Tales of an old dog learning new tricks…

If you’re anything like me, you’ve played it safe your whole life. You’ve kept everything on the downlow to steer clear of drama, disapproval, or disappointment (yours or others’). You’ve avoided risks and new experiences out of fear of the unknown. You’ve settled for an unexciting, less than average life because you’ve convinced yourself that you’re just not particularly good at anything so why try anymore? If any of this has resonated with you, I know exactly how you feel! I regret living idly, without a passion for life for the last 28 (almost 29) years! I don’t want to be Miss Idle anymore. Join me, Zealous Miss Idle, on this journey as I spend the next year living zealously, going on adventures, taking on new challenges, learning new skills, and sharing what truly interests and inspires me in the hopes that I can inspire you to find more joy, passion, and zeal in life!

“Don’t be afraid to try something. It never hurts as bad as you think to fail. You seldom regret what you do. You regret what you didn’t do. Don’t try to be invulnerable. Don’t worry too much about security. If you build a wall around yourself, you become a prisoner of that wall. Take a chance!”

Hugh Downs

NBC Anchor, 1982