Although I am self-proclaimed “Miss Idle,” I do have a few things that I love to do either instead of or whilst idling my time away. In no particular order, these would be eating, reading, watching dramas (Korean dramas in particular), or doing anything in relation to Harry Potter, Star Wars, or Lord of the Rings.

What does this have to do with my journey to living this year with more excitement and passion for life? Well, I regret not actively finding others to share this joy with! I know there are probably so many people out there who love these things as much as I do, and I can’t help but think about how fun it would be to talk to each other and share ideas with each other. So here’s my shot at it. I’ll be writing here about things that make me happy in the hopes of building a community where we can express our pleasures freely and passionately!

Join the club

Read with me!

I’m starting an unofficial book club to read and talk about this book – Mrs. Quinn’s Rise to Fame by Olivia Ford. If you’d like to join the fun, follow my post below!