In my 28th year of life, I went, on a whim, to D.C. on my first solo trip. To say it was amazing is an understatement. It opened my eyes to a literal world of things I had never seen or experienced before, and it made me reflect on the life I’ve lived so far. I realized that I’ve never tried anything outside of my comfort zone because of my fear of being in unknown or uncomfortable situations. But isn’t that what life is all about? Trying new things and putting yourself in those situations so you can learn and expand what you thought possible for yourself?

I’ve lived as Miss Idle for far too long, dreaming of places that I could one day see, of things I could one day do, of skills I could one day possess (or never possess because I believed myself to be innately untalented), and never doing anything to make those dreams a reality. I’ve started this blog as a resolution to live zealously, to learn wholeheartedly, and to dream of bigger things as I accomplish those once impossible hopes one by one!

Join me, Zealous Miss Idle, on my journey and let me know yours!


as I go on new adventures, see new places, learn new skills, find new interests – as I make my dreams a reality!


Library of Congress, Washington D.C.


Crocheting – Hehetmon

Find this pattern HERE


Not so little chicken sandwich – Pym’s Test Kitchen – Disney California Adventure