Interests? Hobbies?

Am I the only one who dreads being asked about my interests, hobbies, or “special skills/talents”? It always comes up too, and the reason I hate it so much is because I could never answer confidently! If it interests me so much or if I spend X amount of time doing it, shouldn’t I be good at it? And that’s the thing – the underlying truth that I would prefer not to admit – I’m just not particularly good at anything! And THAT, unfortunately, has kept me from persevering or even trying to learn new skills.

As part of my journey this year, I want to try new things and learn new skills. I want to find out what TRULY interests me, and I want to persevere with it! I want to be able to answer these questions with full confidence, knowing that I may not be particularly “good” at my hobbies, but I at least spent time and effort on improving myself. Keep up with my endeavors this year by following this page, and let me know what you’ll be trying out too!